Thursday 4 April 2019

Final Year Project


It's almost 5 years since i finished my fyp with my project partner and also bff (nuryn) when i was studied at psis. Fyp started when i was in fourth semester which first we need to find our project title, supervisor, what kind of project we plan to do ex: comp system, games, mobile development and etc. We're so lucky to have En Md Noor as our supervisor. At first we choose to make a mobile development for learning process but got rejected by our supervisor because of the objective of the project unclear. Then, one of the lecturer there suggest us to make a management system for a PASTI student and ask us to meet the headmaster of that Pasti at SB area. The objective of the system regarding the teacher at PASTI is to simplified the management process of the student there. Thank god all things simplified and we got that project even though we're little dissapointed bcoz the actual plan didn't accepted by our sv...

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